
Belgian Dawn of the Dead Poster

One of the most intriguing and rare memorabilia for George Romero’s European release of Dawn of the Dead is this Belgian promotional poster. Unlike most artwork for this movie, the emphasis here is not on menacing zombies or cityscapes. The poster shows Fran and Peter on the right in some tense moments and various, smaller, shots of zombies on the left. The relatively small space allocated to the film’s protagonists and zombies allows more room for graphic design, font, and text decisions. Robert Mazrim in his book “Zombie 1979: Life at the Dawn of the Dead” characterizes the poster as follows:

“…a 1979 Belgian poster looked less like an advertisement for an apocalyptic zombie movie and more like a sale at Sears. Looking back, the imagery seems entirely appropriate.”

As was common in these days, the poster instructs the viewer to “prepare for one of the most chilling movies ever realized!!!” At the bottom in blue it further warns that Zombie is not for sensitive persons. And there is, of course, the obligatory mistake in writing Goblin as “The Goblin.”